Madeline and I went and visited my parents last week, which was wonderful!! I received lots of free babysitting, home cooked meals and all of my laundry done – YES, PLEASE!! 🙂 I love that Madeline is able to see her grandparents on a regular frequency because I think that grandparents add such a special place in children’s lives. As I was feeding Madeline at dinner time, my mother reminded me that she STILL has the same plate and utensils that I used as a baby! We both thought that it was the perfect photo/blog post opportunity, so here you go….
Above is what I currently use with Madeline. The spoons are Audie, and I bought them off of Amazon in a set of four. They are really soft on her gums, which I really like. The plate is from Target and was only 0.79!! YAY!!! Target has a lot of really cute and cheap tableware for children in a variety of colors. I have three of these, so I constantly have a clean one on hand. I really like that there are dividers on the plate, especially when she is trying foods for the first time.
Below is a picture of MY baby bowl. My mother told me that she purchased this at an actual Tupperware party (which were apparently super popular at the time – LOL) and is most definitely 1980’s orange!! 🙂 It has a rim around the bowl to catch food, which was great for me because I was apparently a very messy eater!! LOL!
Below are my spoon and fork from back in the day. It is so funny how things change, especially since they are all metal (which was also popular for the time). My Disney fork and spoon were apparently made of great materials because they have lasted for way over thirty years!!! 🙂
Here is a close up of the silverware. She couldn’t remember where they were purchased, but I apparently loved Minnie Mouse, just like sweet little Madeline. 🙂
What fun things do you have from your childhood? We always used to tease my mom for keeping so many things, but it is pretty awesome where you find these “oldies, but goodies.” 🙂
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