Simple Ways To Have A More Organized Home

Are you feeling like your home is getting a little out of control?  Do you find that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to complete all of your time commitments AND keep your home straightened?  If so, then don’t worry!  Here are four simple tips to help you have a more organized home:

Identify commonly messy areas – Do you have certain areas of your home that always stay messy or attract clutter?  We definitely do and have found that if we focus on keeping those areas clean, then there isn’t as much of an opportunity for them to get messy.  For us, this area is the chair in our master bedroom.  The chair is an easy place to toss our stuff on at the end of a long day.  It always seems to just naturally attract clutter.  Once we realized this, and started intentionally not putting anything on it, our room became instantly neater.  Identify what your area of weakness is, and focus on it!

Identify items that you constantly use and keep them in ONE convenient place –  This is huge because you aren’t going to waste precious minutes or hours looking for something.  We had this issue with our keys.  It seemed like we were spending so much time, particularly in the mornings, looking for our car keys.  Once we identified the problem, we put a bowl by our door that we immediately dropped our keys into as soon as we got home.  That way, every time we left, we knew exactly where our keys were.  This has been a MAJOR source of stress relief in our daily schedule, so I would HIGHLY recommend this one!

Purge what you don’t use – This seems so obvious, but I truly believe that having too much stuff is what keeps most homes messy.  If your drawers are super full, then it is very difficult to get stuff in and out of them.  If this becomes too difficult, then it becomes very easy to just throw the items on the floor.  It is much easier to keep things neat when you have less stuff!  I struggle with this a lot because I am guilty of owning a lot of stuff, however, doing regular purges has really helped me stay on top of the clutter.

Have regular family clean out days – Getting your whole family involved is great because it teaches responsibility, and it is much faster to clean!  Do it on a regular drumbeat and then celebrate being done by doing something fun together.  This will help keep clutter at a minimum and will let you have fun with your family.

What easy tips do you have for a more organized home?  Please feel free to leave a comment below, because I always love hearing from you guys.  Have a great day!



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